Explaining the BDSM Myths September 6, 2017 – Posted in: Adult Industry News, BDSM, News

BDSM is not one single sexual/erotic practice: rather, it is an umbrella term that refers to a variety of different practices that people take part in for various reasons. Due to its generally erotic nature, there is an air of taboo and even stigma surrounding it – as well as a lot of ignorance and, of course, myths. It is therefore important to understand these myths if you wish to get to the very heart of what can actually be an exciting and mentally stimulating practice.

It’s All Or Nothing

This is something that many beginners, in particular, may be worried about. The whole “all or nothing approach” (i.e., you are either as kinky as hell or completely vanilla) is a myth that has been consistently perpetuated. This essentially divides people into two camps: those who are totally into every single aspect of BDSM and will try out any kink, and those who only like plain, old boring sex.

This couldn’t be farther from the truth!

Every single person out there has their own levels of kink and “vanilla”. You basically just have to find out what you’re comfortable with… Which can of course take time. It is important to understand that there are many different shades of gray in between and that you can easily find a level that you’re comfortable with.

Men Are Dominant, Women Are Submissive

Traditional gender roles will stipulate that men are dominants (“doms” or “tops”) whereas women are submissive (“subs” or “bottoms”). Again, this couldn’t be farther from the truth: whether you’re a dom or a sub not only depends on your personality but can also be heavily dependent on a person’s mood. In fact, some people will go between sub and dom depending on the partner they are playing with at the time.

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