12 Ways to Market Your Brothel April 24, 2015 – Posted in: Adult Industry News

Working in the adult industry or running an adult services business has its ups and downs like any, a business can be unpredictable. As a business owner, your business will have good days when your brothel will be booked out during opening time and not so good days when the phone doesn’t ring for the entire day. The success or downfall of your brothel depends on where you’re located, who you hire, how you manage it, and how well you handle your customers, as well as whether or not you comply with the legal aspects of running such a business. But the main reason behind whether or not your business receives any clients at all, highly depends on how you market your brothel.

The laws and regulations surrounding the advertisement of brothels and sexual services vary from one state to another in Australia. However, despite the prohibitions in publishing ads or putting up signs, they are rarely enforced. Nonetheless, a brothel should always be cautious about how to market itself and attract clients without overstepping boundaries.

12 Ways to Market Your Brothel

From a marketing point of view, sex sells! All the major fashion lines, perfumes, and even food are advertising with a hint of or a lot of sexual imagery in their ads. It can even be a challenge to outdo those ads while abiding by the laws and regulations of the state. However, here are 12 ways to market your brothel in creative and contemporary ways while staying within the rules.

Directories. There may be thousands of online and print directories in the world but they are good at what they do. When someone wants to search for a brothel in a certain area, one of the first things that result on Google are brothel directories or adult service directories. They may be broad but they do their job well.

Digital Marketing. Everything’s digital nowadays. Whenever someone wants to know something, they don’t ask a friend or go to a professional; they go to Google. So if you want to get ahead of the game, you need to market your brothel online.

Mobile Apps. Escort directories, brothel directories and other sexual service providers are going digital and even targeting clients with mobile apps. Almost every person in the world these days has a smart phone and they just can’t let go of it for more than an hour. Creating a mobile app won’t be cheap, but once you’re brand is out there, people can be looking at your brothel anytime, anywhere.

Facebook. Almost everybody who can use a computer or handle a smart phone has a Facebook account, if not multiple accounts. The popularity of Facebook is phenomenal and the sharing and tagging era is going strong. So if you want to market your brothel to have the most awareness and reach all over the world, Facebook is the way to go.

Twitter. Twitter works best when following trends and topics. To market your brothel on Twitter, you’ll need to follow the right people, use the right hashtags and be extremely active: tweeting photos and content to get followers yourself.

Instagram. Instagram attracts people who are more visually oriented. You’ll need to post photos regularly using appropriate hashtags so you can get discovered by people who aren’t following you and keep your regular followers up to date.

Google Ads. This is not a free service but it ensures that you will be seen at the top of Google searches. Whenever someone clicks on your ad, you’ll be charged; it’s called ‘cost per click’. So the more you’re charged for the service, the more you know that people are visiting your website.

Print Ads. Even in this digital age, print newspapers and magazines are still being published so it’s safe to say that people are still buying these traditional media. Print advertising may be more expensive than digital advertising but a lot of people still prefer reading about things on a printed newspaper that they can actually touch and flip through. So print ads may be expensive when you market your brothel but it still has its flair.

Editorial Content. If you have a website, why not create editorial and creative blogs that could attract readers and potentially clients? Men and women read different types of magazines so your content should be catered to their needs. For example, men like to read about the latest gadgets, cars and sports, while women like reading about lifestyle, fashion and sex as well. So when creating editorial content, you can create something that speaks their language and market your brothel along the way.

Compare yourself with competitors. It’s always to know what your competitors are doing. Like the saying goes, “Keep your friends close but your enemies closer”. Find out what your competitors, other brothels, are doing with how they’re marketing themselves. Evaluate if they’re effective or not and you can adopt the ones that you could benefit from.

Marketing campaigns. A marketing campaign for a brothel doesn’t need to involve naked women wearing scantily clad clothes and carrying and/or using sex toys. It can be creative and classy and within legal reasons. You can target hot spots like strip clubs and DJ bars where most people are thinking about sex and who to get it on with. So target those places and create cards or pamphlets that are creative and ballsy; something that catches the eye. And direct them to your website.

Damage control. More often than not, there comes a time when a client isn’t satisfied with your establishment or the service that they would take it upon themselves to slander your business in every way possible. Whether it happens to your brothel or not, it’s always great to be have something prepared for damage control. Like a magician, you should always have one last trick up your sleeve. When someone slanders your business and make accusations, you’ll need to come up with a plan to redirect the negativity toward a positive approach and put out all the fires along the way.

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